Direct advertising exchange
Demo version Media Place
Login details:
Login: email@email.com
Password: dani14il
To develop from a scratch a service for ordering and placing textual advertising on various platforms. Such marketplace can help advertisers to promote web-sites and to raise their brand awareness. For web-site owners, in turn, this service can help earn money on their platforms.
Project info
Timeline: 2 months
Team: 3 people
Budget: 7 000 $
Technologies: Django, React.js
To release an advertising exchange, a marketing agency contacted us. This agency has a big expertise in such products as they always use them themselves. Our task was to detach MVP image from client’s analytic and release it.

After we analyzed competitors in the field, we came up with product with following functional:
1. Advanced search for a platform with many various filters
2. Ability to buy publication via “cart”, similar to good’s marketplaces
3. Client-Contractor chat with ability to show a working process status
4. Ability to pay via marketplace internal account

After pre-release, in the middle of development, we received request from our client to add extra features:
1. Personal account for media
2. Internal accounting for marketplace managers
Main Page
Main feature is an advanced search with big amount of filters. All options are provided by administrator after media is registered.
Cart functional of advertising exchange marketplace is a bit different from one in good’s marketplaces. To place an order user must write a TOR (Terms of Reference) for contractor. Besides common services provided, media may provide additional services for their clients.
Client-Contractor chat
Chat here is complete workplace. We placed all important information for contractor in one screen, so users do not need to switch between many interface tabs.
Personal account
Our main goal in developing of a personal account functional was to let media adjust their personal data by themselves, so administrator work would consist only of moderation.
Inside features
Accounting – is a dashboard on money movement inside marketplace
Notifications on work status and money movements on the account are sent on user’s e-mail address
Mini-CRM to manage money movements
Mini-CRM to moderate platforms
After the project has been done, we completely handed it over to our client. At that moment client is searching for a partner to start-up this marketplace. As soon as working process will start, we are going to cooperate with our client in order to evolve project and add more functional in the future.
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